Sagnik Chatterjee

About Me
I am a final-year PhD student in the BraQIIIT lab at IIIT-Delhi, where I am very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Debajyoti Bera. Next, I will be joining as a postdoc at the University of Latvia, Riga, hosted by Prof. Andris Ambainis.
My research
My main area of research lies at the intersection of quantum computing and computational learning theory, and involves developing learning algorithms for discriminative and generative tasks under various noise models and proving theoretical bounds for convergence, generalization, and speedups.
Office: B-513, R&D block, IIITD
Email: sagnikc[at]iiitd[at]ac[at]in
- Feb'25: [Upcoming] Invited to present our work on Efficient Quantum Agnostic Improper Learning of Decision Trees at ARCS 2025.
- Jan'25: [Upcoming] Invited to give a talk at the QAC 2025 Symposium.
- Jan'25: Our paper on Generalization Bounds for Dependent Data using Online-to-Batch Conversion was accepted at AISTATS'25.
- October'24: Gave a talk on generalization bounds of statistical learning algorithms at the ACMU seminar series, ISI Kolkata.
- Aug-Oct'24: Visiting Prof. Sourav Chakraborty at ISI Kolkata for a research internship.
- July'24: Presented our work on Efficient Quantum Agnostic Improper Learning of Decision Trees at the Recent trends in Algorithms (RTA) 2024 workshop in IACS, Kolkata.
- June'24: Gave a talk on Quantum Learning of Fourier-sparse Boolean functions at the ACMU seminar series, ISI Kolkata.
- May'24: Presented our work on Efficient Quantum Agnostic Improper Learning of Decision Trees at AISTATS'24 in Valencia, Spain.
- Feb'24: Gave 3 invited lectures on advanced quantum algorithms at the Quantum Computing Semester organized by the CMI, India.
- Jan'24: Our paper on Efficient Quantum Agnostic Improper Learning of Decision Trees was accepted at AISTATS'24.
- Jan'24: Presented a poster on Efficient Quantum Agnostic Improper Learning of Decision Trees at QIP'24 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Jan'24: Teaching Assistant for Theory of Computaton.
- Sep'23: Gave a Ketchup talk at IIIT-Delhi.
- Sep'23: Gave an invited talk at the IDA seminar in Czech Technical University, Prague.
- Sep'23: Gave an invited talk at the University of Latvia, Riga.
- Jul-Sep'23: Visiting Czech Technical University, Prague for a research internship.
- Jun'23: Our paper on Quantum boosting using domain-partitioning hypotheses accepted at Quantum Machine Intelligence.
- Jun'23: Attended the JTG Summer School at IISc Bangalore.
- Feb'23: Gave an invited talk on Quantum boosting using domain-partitioning hypotheses at the IIITD CSE Department seminar.
- Jan'23: Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Quantum Computing.
- Nov'22: Presented our paper Quantum boosting using domain-partitioning hypotheses at QTML'22 in Naples, Italy.
- Aug'22: Quantum boosting using domain-partitioning hypotheses accepted at QTML'22 for a short talk.
- Apr'22: Qualified my Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam.
- Mar'22: Teaching Assistant for Data Structures and Algorithms.
- Mar'22: Gave an invited talk on quantum boosting algorithms at the IITD Theoretical CS seminar.
- Mar'22: Poster presented at QIP'22.
- Dec'21: Organized and conducted the QISE'21 workshop at FSTTCS'21.
- Aug'21: Teaching Assistant for Modern Algorithm Design.
- Jan'21: Teaching Assistant for Theory of Computation.
- Jan'21: Poster presented at QIP'21.
- Dec'20: Gave an invited talk on Quantum Machine Learning at the Faculty Development program hosted by JNTU, Anantapur.
- Nov'20: Extended Abstract on Applying QAOA+ to the graph matching problem accepted at AQIS'20.
- Aug'20: Teaching Assistant for Modern Algorithm Design.
- Feb'20: Attended the Boolean Functions workshop at ISI-Kolkata.
- Jan'20: Runners-Up in the IBMQ Awards; Teach Me Quantum Category.
- Jan'20: Teaching Assistant for Theory of Computation.
- Dec'19: Attended the 4th Winter School in CS organized by the IIAS, HUJI in Jerusalem, Israel.